jueves, 15 de junio de 2023


My last family meal

 The last time we had a family meal was on Mother's Day this year.

That day we went with my mother to eat at my aunt's house, where all the women in the family got together (my grandmother, my mom, my aunt, my cousin and me), they made us a barbecue and we drank a lot, until the bottles of wine and fernet ran out.

With my family we have the habit that for Mother's Day we all go out to eat, we have been going out together since I can remember going out to eat at different places, grills, Korean food, Peruvian food and Chinese food.

It is very nice to remember previous outings, but the best thing is that we spend the whole day together.

I hope it continues to be like this for many years, since my family is not one to call or get together very often, it's more like disappearing for months at a time.

The next meeting is coming up in November where I know that we will all be together and other family members from Valparaíso and Calama, since in November we will celebrate my cousin's birthday (she will be 8 years old) and my grandmother's birthday (64 years old).

1 comentario:

  1. Have a great time in November. What present will you get for your cousin?


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