jueves, 15 de junio de 2023


 My best friends 


I have had the pleasure of having a group of friends for years now, 15 years to be exact, we met when we were in first grade, some of them knew each other before because they went to kindergarten together or like me and one of them lived in the same street.

(Almendra - Paloma - Paulina - Yo)

We have been through a lot, fights, distancing, accidents, but we are still together.

I still remember one time in eighth grade, we fought so hard that even the teachers were worried, because we were like fingernails and dirt, but we solved the problems and here we are.

Another event that united us much more than, made us realize that we were no longer friends, but family was an accident that had a friend, unfortunately she was run over and dragged by a bus, just the day we had met when she was on her way home. It was as if the world stopped for us, but thank God it was not serious, but she managed to get out of it. But I will never forget that fear of not having her in my life one more day.

Now we get together when we can, but we are always looking out for each other. Each one is going on with her life, but that is what makes me happiest. One of us already has her wedding date.

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