martes, 20 de junio de 2023

 BBC English courses

Today on the BBC page, enter: “Courses”

 There first I chose “easy courses”, since it is always better to start with the most basic. There I chose the first course that I saw that said “general english” and clicked on activity 1. I found the activity very easy to understand, after a video you had to answer some questions and I found it entertaining. And at the same time it helps to understand the pronunciation.

 In the second section of the “Grammar” page.

I entered the “Medium Grammar” part and there I chose the option “Grammar reference 1” there they gave different options to review both past perfect, present continuous, among others, in my case I chose option 1 (The present simple, present continuous and present perfect tenses) and the method was similar to the one in the previous section, they showed you a video and you had to answer some exercises, I really found it very didactic and I liked that there were more activities for So get back to practicing.

In relation to the third section of “Pronunciation” it was more than anything to watch videos and understand what young Tim would be, if he is understandable and helps to assimilate how English is spoken.

In “Vocabulary” I also tried the medium difficulty section, and I chose the “English in a minute” option where it had the same format as the previous ones, you had to watch a video and answer the questions, which was practical since it was entertaining, not so much, since they are subjects in my case difficult to understand.

Finally in “news review” despite the fact that only news would appear and at the same time they were news and then a quiz, sjsjjs that surprised me and was entertaining, especially the one about prince harry’s.

If I think the page is very useful, I will continue to use it to practice from time to time. Since it will help me get used to English.

And that for today, have a good week.

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