sábado, 8 de julio de 2023

 My possible last blog?

This semester I started this blog, which I really enjoyed and got to know things about my classmates and remember other exciting things through their life experiences or likes.

Some of the posts I enjoyed writing the most were about my hobbit and about the series I watched as a kid, I really like everything related to series. 

One of the ones I had the hardest time writing was about my friends, because I remembered the accident one of my best friends had and the fear I went through during those years.

One blog I liked was one that talked about a series called TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND, I had forgotten the name, but I enjoyed watching it as a child.

The truth is that this semester I can put some words together better, but speaking and thinking about how to form sentences well when speaking is still difficult. 

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 My possible last blog? This semester I started this blog, which I really enjoyed and got to know things about my classmates and remember ot...