jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023

 My weekend 

Last Saturday a friend that I have known for years, that I haven't seen since before the pandemic, invited me to dinner at his new apartment near the Ñuble metro.

That day was very entertaining, we caught up on too many things, life, family, kids (pets) and above all complaining about adult life, responsibilities and university. 

In the evening, we ordered burgers at Rappi, but they brought us only one and we had to order again (we had to wait almost two hours to eat something), but it didn't matter, we had a drink and watched a marathon of the new Netflix series "Queen Charlotte", it's too good. It's worth it.

Talking a little bit about the series, it is a story that talks about "Queen Charlotte", who appears in another series called "Bridgerton" (this one tells us about the children of the Bridgerton family and their loves), following with the previous one the story of the queen, it tells us about her life and when she was young, about her husband, servant and children, the truth is a very nice and emotional series.

It was a six hour marathon, but in total it was fifteen hours (I stayed to sleep) in which I enjoyed good company, food and series. 10/10.

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