jueves, 27 de abril de 2023

 Today I will talk about a site that I visit frequently. 

This page is called @mrfananime, as its name says it is a page for anime fans, this page talks about series that are in broadcast, manga and even events both anime and video games, I discovered this page through Tiktok, because I always get this kind of content, where they talk about these same topics, I like it because despite having little time it helps me to be aware of the world of anime, such as video games or events to be held.

I recommend this page, because at least in my case as an anime fan, but as a university student with little time, it helps me to be aware, I visit it at least once a week. 

One of their publications that I liked the most is one, where they tell us about two movies that are linked and depending on the order in which you see them, you will decide the end that will have the story of the protagonists. It is a very interesting way to watch a movie, so I plan to watch them next week off. Their names are "Boku ga aishita subege no kami e" and "Kimi wo aishita hitori no boku e". I hope they will interest you.

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