lunes, 24 de abril de 2023

 Important Occasions / Fun Fact

The truth is that I don't have many memories from my childhood about vacations or important events, I have one or two memories at most of events, but I don't remember more, like what activity I did? or what event it was? or why we were there?

One thing I do remember with more precision and detail is something that happened last year, well there I am no longer considered a child, but I still have a child's soul, so it must count. 

On November 26th of last year we celebrated my cousin's birthday (who actually turns 25), at my aunt's house, in Quinta Normal, one of those that are very old, but at the same time very spacious.

It was a very special day, and it remained engraved in my memory, since a lot of family came from different places, my godmother came from Calama, my family from Valparaiso, since we only live here in Santiago, my mom, my grandmother, my aunt and my cousin, all the rest of the family is porteña.

Cousins, uncles, grandparents, second cousins, a whole salad of people came, that day I helped my aunt to decorate for the first time while working at the fair in her sector, but it was a very entertaining and meaningful reunion, as I could see relatives I had not seen since before the pandemic. 

Another important event was the following day, November 27, my grandmother's birthday, and we serenaded her and enjoyed the whole weekend as a family.  

1 comentario:

  1. What a beautiful memory you got! See the family together is something unique and undescriptible.


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