jueves, 27 de abril de 2023

 Today I will talk about a site that I visit frequently. 

This page is called @mrfananime, as its name says it is a page for anime fans, this page talks about series that are in broadcast, manga and even events both anime and video games, I discovered this page through Tiktok, because I always get this kind of content, where they talk about these same topics, I like it because despite having little time it helps me to be aware of the world of anime, such as video games or events to be held.

I recommend this page, because at least in my case as an anime fan, but as a university student with little time, it helps me to be aware, I visit it at least once a week. 

One of their publications that I liked the most is one, where they tell us about two movies that are linked and depending on the order in which you see them, you will decide the end that will have the story of the protagonists. It is a very interesting way to watch a movie, so I plan to watch them next week off. Their names are "Boku ga aishita subege no kami e" and "Kimi wo aishita hitori no boku e". I hope they will interest you.

lunes, 24 de abril de 2023

 Important Occasions / Fun Fact

The truth is that I don't have many memories from my childhood about vacations or important events, I have one or two memories at most of events, but I don't remember more, like what activity I did? or what event it was? or why we were there?

One thing I do remember with more precision and detail is something that happened last year, well there I am no longer considered a child, but I still have a child's soul, so it must count. 

On November 26th of last year we celebrated my cousin's birthday (who actually turns 25), at my aunt's house, in Quinta Normal, one of those that are very old, but at the same time very spacious.

It was a very special day, and it remained engraved in my memory, since a lot of family came from different places, my godmother came from Calama, my family from Valparaiso, since we only live here in Santiago, my mom, my grandmother, my aunt and my cousin, all the rest of the family is porteña.

Cousins, uncles, grandparents, second cousins, a whole salad of people came, that day I helped my aunt to decorate for the first time while working at the fair in her sector, but it was a very entertaining and meaningful reunion, as I could see relatives I had not seen since before the pandemic. 

Another important event was the following day, November 27, my grandmother's birthday, and we serenaded her and enjoyed the whole weekend as a family.  

jueves, 13 de abril de 2023

   My Favorite Photos  

Today, changing a little bit the anime theme, I will share with you some of my favorite pictures, I was planning to share with you only 2 pictures, but I couldn't avoid showing you all my beautiful dogs, except max, I have never been able to take a picture of him that doesn't come out blurry. 

In the photo N°1, there is bobby (stray dog that was adopted) and the father of the children in the photo 3 and 4, in the next photo (N°2) there is Kirara, mother of the little ones and a very angry dog, but an animal love, and in the photo N°3 there is the girl Akira, a very affectionate dog, but only when she wants, she is a very good archer and loves to play catch the bottle in the air, in the last picture are Eri (the smallest) and Kurama, they both love to be together, they play day and night, they love to get into the water.

In the second collage appears at the top the boy (and old) Cachupin, is the dog that I have had more years has been with me most of my adolescence, I can say that has been my emotional support much of my life, the boxer in the same photo is Ahome, is also adopted dog, is a very quiet and affectionate dog, but very sickly for his breed. In the photo below are the most guardians of my grandmother's house, the black one is Matte and the brown one is Tolin, Matte is a very fast runner in two jumps runs all over my grandmother's land and Tolin is a grumpy old man, he spends the day doing grr grr grr grr.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2023


     My Hobby      

Well, the truth is that throughout my life I haven't had so many hobbies, I've never been interested in making music, exercising or writing, the only two hobbies I've had in my life have been reading (both books and manga) or watching different types of series (normal series, anime, cartoons, kdramas, Thai series, doramas [jpn]) and movies (I really enjoy anime movies and lately marvel movies).

I started watching anime when I was 6 or 7 years old, without knowing what anime really was, but since then I didn't stop to enter more in the world of anime, when I was between 14 or 15 years old I started to watch more mature series, different movies and even started to read manga.

During the pandemic period I found a taste for reading books about fantasy, romantics, folklore or native legends.

Now that I started the fall 2023 semester of classes, I haven't had time to read books because it demands too much time that I haven't been able to give it, but I have been able to read short manga or manga that are on air, as well as series or anime.

The truth is that doing these things gives me a lot of joy, I really enjoy the quality of drawing / animation or the ability to act of some people, to transmit so really the feelings through the screen.

Now I do look forward to a film from director Makoto Shinkai (known for films such as Five Centimeters Per Second, The Garden of Words, Your Name, Tenki no ko, Journey to Agartha), his new film "Suzume" will be released this year. It will be in theaters on April 13.

  •  Here is the trailer, in case you are interested. 😀 

 My possible last blog? This semester I started this blog, which I really enjoyed and got to know things about my classmates and remember ot...