jueves, 30 de marzo de 2023


Something about me.

My name is Catalina Muñoz, I am a geography student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the UCH, I had lived all my life in the commune of independence but a few years ago I went more to the periphery to Quilicura, I am only going to say that the traffic is horrible

 I have 10 dogs, not all of them in my house but distributed in the houses that I have lived with my family, they all tell me that they are mine because I am the spoil. The oldest is called Cachupin (10 years old), then Tolin (8 years old), Max (8 years old), Ahome (7 years old), Kirara (3 years old) and Matte (2 years old) and finally Kurama, Eri and Akira come with 1 year and 6 months, children of Kirara and Bobby who is a visitor that I also consider mine.

Ahh and I forgot to say that I love anime since I was nine years old, so it's already part of me.

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